Generally, projects in Methods in Art and Art History (ART 260) focus on the development and application of skills for both studio-art and art-history majors, such as analysing works of art for their artistic and socio-historical elements and giving public presentations. For this project, we were tasked to investigate a design or artistic interest of ours and present a Pecha Kucha outlining our results, as well as what we produced from those findings.

Pecha Kucha, translating to “chit-chat” in Japanese, is a type of artistic presentation style, in which a topic is discussed in a 20×20 (20 slides for 20 seconds) format, using only photographs.

For my project, I was interested in web design, I wanted to explore how artists use a combination of portrait photography, colour, and text to produce responsive websites. From my research on website design, I would produce a landing page. The images below are photographs I considered using for this project.

© 2021 All photographs on this site are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 by Amya N. Moore