Dear Diary

For the entirety of the Spring 2021 semester for our Special Projects course (also dubbed Independent Projects Course), students develop, implement, and then present an art project by…

Korean Folklore & Mythology

For our final project in Elementary Korean II (KORE 2002) in the Fall 2019 semester, we were tasked with creating a 15-minute presentation detailing any aspect of Korean…

Black and White Photography

Using a 35mm film camera and B&W film is one of my favourite ways to take pictures. Such photographs have always held a special place in my heart,…

Methods Photography

Generally, projects in Methods in Art and Art History (ART 260) focus on the development and application of skills for both studio-art and art-history majors, such as analysing…

What’s Coding Projects?

The dual degree program provided by Agnes Scott College (ASC), is an opportunity for me to combine my interests in both the arts and the computer science field….

At Home Project

Duration: February – April, 2021

Short Story Project

Duration: October – November, 2020 Nearing the end of the Fall 2020 semester, I was expected to consider the trajectory of my work from freshman year until now…

Finding My Art Style

In the Fall 2020 semester, I officially decided to sit down and seriously reflect on the trajectory of my artwork in order to develop an artistic style.